A podcast for you

Listen Live 📻
Every we usually stream the podcast recording. Subscribe to our YouTube channel if you want to be notified, or just visit around that time if you're bored and have nothing better to do on a Friday night. I know that's basically everyone reading this right now. Don't kid yourself.
We also have a Discord server that you can join right here if you're bored and want to /soc/ialize with us, join the podcast, or just be our friend. Please we are really lonely and need friends. 😢
Listen to Past Episodes 📼
Below is a list of all our recorded and edited podcasts. We try to keep up with this, but they may be a week or two or three behind. You can be notified whenever we release new episodes by subscribing to our RSS feed or using a podcast feed aggregator like Google Podcasts, iTunes, or Stitcher. If you want us to post somewhere else, please let us know.